Friday 12 April 2013

DCGA Statement on Single Screen Theaters In Delhi

Golcha Cinema in Delhi : Pic Courtesy (Live India)

The DCGA is aware of declining numbers of single screens. Commercialization and rising property prices has made the life of single screens difficult. The single screen theaters should be preserved by the government by reducing entertainment tax on movie screenings. Single screen theaters are the only source of entertainment for underprivileged class and even the students going to college. 
Multiplexes have found many takers because they offer better facilities and a range of movies. But it comes at a price. Single screen theaters can also compete with them but they would have to innovate and cinegoer friendly. Most of the single screens lack basic amenities. The government needs to intervene and conserve the fast vanishing relics of Indian cinema industry. 

Issued by 
Nakul Malhotra 
General Secretary 
Delhi Cine Goers Association (DCGA)