Saturday 9 July 2011

Winners of 'Murder 2' Contest

Friends we received 36 entries in our 'Murder 2' contest. Only one entry was found incorrect. We conducted a lucky draw which included the names of all participants who got it right. The lucky winners of our ‘Murder 2’ contest are
1- Ms Shweta Talwar
2- Mr Veer Singh
3- Ms Neha Adlakha
4- Ms Prerna Jha
These four winners get one free ticket for the movie 'Murder 2' in select theatres in Delhi. The winners are requested to mail their contact details to within five days as the entire process has to be completed between Monday to Saturday ( July 11 to July 16, 2011).
Among those who participated for the first time in any DCGA contest we have selected
Ms Samruddhi  Srivastava for a special gift of a DVD of any Bollywood film released this year. We erquest Ms Srivastava to mail her complete address along with pin code and cell number to so that her gift could be relased as early as possible.

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